Divisional Conference 2012

Divisional Conference 2012
The Gamma Kappa delegation at the 2012 Western Plains Divisional Conference in Lincoln, Nebraska. Seventeen membrs of the chapter are pictured with Division President, Bob Marwill, and Chapter Advisor, Jim Meyer. At the conference Gamma Kappa received the pretegious Court of Honor Award which recognizes chapters for overall excellence in programming. This was the first time Gamma Kappa has recieved the award since 1999.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Mom's Weekend 2012

This past weekend the shelter was flocked with moms for the annual Mom’s Weekend! The weekend was full of fun events.

Friday night was a cocktail hour at the Vault inside of the Tiger Hotel. Saturday we traveled to the Lake of the Ozarks for a wine tasting at Seven Springs Winery and then shopping at the Outlets in Osage Beach. Saturday Night was our Casino Night where we had games of blackjack, roulette, craps, and poker along with silent auction. Finally we finished the weekend off with a brunch at the Tiger Hotel. All in all it was a great weekend and we thank our moms being for there!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Congrats Top 32 Greek Week Royalty!

Former Chapter President Patrick Wolff

Former Chapter Treasurer Andrew Ellis

Congratulations to Andrew Ellis and Patrick Wolff (both F2K8) on being selected as members of the Top 32 Greek Week Royalty which honors seniors for accomplishments in academics, campus leadership and Greek Life involvement. Great job Patrick and Andrew!

Delts Participate In Kappa Delta's Wingman

This past weekend we participated in Kappa Delta’s Philanthropy “Wingman” benefiting Coyote Hill Coyote Hill Christian Children’s Home is a professional home of love for abused and neglected children; and also for children whose families just need a chance to regroup and get a fresh start. Wingman is a hot wing Olympic competition, where teams compete in events like the wing pass and wing on a string. The event was an overall success with one of our teams finishing 2nd! Good job guys!

Congratulations Clark Conlisk!

Congratulations to Clark Conlisk (F2K11) for being selected for the O∆K (Omicron Delta Kappa) Top 14 Freshmen. O∆K is a national leadership honor society that recognizes students in the scholarship in the classroom and service on the MU campus. Way to go Clark!

Luke Landolt makes the 2012 Homcoming Steering Committee

Congratulations to Luke Landolt (S2K11) for being selected to be a member of 2012 Homecoming Steering Committee! Recently, Luke has been very busy with all the other organizations he is involved in on campus. This year he served on RAMS Steer co, Mizzou for Malawi Steer co, while also serving as our External VP. This year will be the 101st homecoming celebration on the campus of MU. Good Job Luke!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Marriage Party

We had our first social of the semester on Tuesday February 28th. It was our Marriage Party with Tri-Delta and Sigma Nu. The event was held at Whiskey Wild and the theme was ‘Wild West.’

Jake Church, Tyler Jennings, and Matt Swihart (members of F2K10) at Whiskey Wild for the Marriage Party!

Greek Week 2012

The men of the Gamma Kappa will be paired with the women of Tri-Delta and the men of Sigma Nu for Greek Week 2012. Greek Week is an annual competition that is focused mainly on sports and service. One of the missions of Greek Week is to develop relationships with the Columbia community, the MU campus community and the Greek community. This year our beneficiary will be Honor Flight, our theme is Beauty and the Beast, and the mystery sport will be tee-ball. Stay tuned for more updates.