Divisional Conference 2012

Divisional Conference 2012
The Gamma Kappa delegation at the 2012 Western Plains Divisional Conference in Lincoln, Nebraska. Seventeen membrs of the chapter are pictured with Division President, Bob Marwill, and Chapter Advisor, Jim Meyer. At the conference Gamma Kappa received the pretegious Court of Honor Award which recognizes chapters for overall excellence in programming. This was the first time Gamma Kappa has recieved the award since 1999.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Congratulations Clark Conlisk!

Congratulations to Clark Conlisk (F2K11) for being selected for the O∆K (Omicron Delta Kappa) Top 14 Freshmen. O∆K is a national leadership honor society that recognizes students in the scholarship in the classroom and service on the MU campus. Way to go Clark!

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